Chinese New Year's Rugs
All rugs are original designs except where stated otherwise.
The New Year in China is celebrated not on January 1, but on the second new moon after the winter solstice, which falls in the interval between January 21 and February 21. Every year in the Chinese calendar has the name of an animal. Every 12 years the names are repeated. All the rugs are 11" x 17". I added the Chinese characters in the right corner of the rug. The characters for the snakes are Happiness, for the horses - Good Luck and Love, for the sheep - Beauty, for the monkeys - Harmony, for the rooster with his chick - Family, for the dogs - Excitement. More information about these rugs can be found in my article "Celebrate The New Year with a Rug" published in "Rug Hooking" magazine in the issue of January/February 2020.